Welcome to HB BodyLab


Acupuncture is a holistic healthcare practice that focuses on balancing the body’s energy to promote healing and well-being. At HB BodyLab in Huntington Beach, CA, our skilled acupuncturists use fine needles to stimulate specific points on the body, enhancing the flow of energy and alleviating a variety of conditions. This ancient practice effectively reduces pain, improves mental clarity, and supports overall health. Experience the benefits of acupuncture at HB BodyLab and restore harmony to your body and mind.

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How Can Acupuncture Care Help Your Recovery?

Acupuncture is a holistic healthcare practice dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and preventing a variety of health issues by balancing the body’s energy. At HB BodyLab, our skilled acupuncturists use fine needles to stimulate specific points on the body, enhancing energy flow, relieving pain, and promoting overall wellness.

Acupuncture is beneficial for many conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, stress, digestive disorders, and injuries from sports or accidents. Our personalized acupuncture sessions may include needle insertion, cupping, moxibustion, and lifestyle advice to support your overall health.

In Orange County, our acupuncturists use advanced techniques to help patients achieve optimal wellness by restoring energy balance, reducing pain, and enhancing physical and emotional health. Each session is customized to meet your unique needs and goals.

We prioritize evidence-based practices, ensuring comprehensive care that addresses the underlying causes of your health issues, not just the symptoms. Experience the benefits of acupuncture at HB BodyLab, where your path to a healthier, more balanced life begins.

Conditions Treated With Acupuncture

HB BodyLab is your premier acupuncture clinic, dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of our Huntington Beach community. Our board-certified acupuncturists specialize in custom holistic care for individuals dealing with pain, stress, digestive issues, and chronic health problems.

We focus on providing the best acupuncture care to promote health and healing, ensuring long-lasting results for our patients.

Conditions We Treat

HB BodyLab offers advanced acupuncture care for a variety of conditions, including:

Discover a path to better health and a balanced life with HB BodyLab. Our customized care plans are designed to help you achieve long-lasting relief and improved overall wellness. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and experience the difference.

Our Services

At HB BodyLab, we offer a wide range of acupuncture techniques, tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include:

Traditional Acupuncture: At HB BodyLab in Huntington Beach, CA, we specialize in traditional acupuncture, where fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body to balance the flow of energy. This technique is used to relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Our acupuncturists provide precise and effective care tailored to your individual needs, helping you feel your best without discomfort. Experience the healing power of traditional acupuncture and step towards a healthier, more balanced life with HB BodyLab.

Cupping Therapy: At HB BodyLab in Huntington Beach, CA, we offer cupping therapy, a technique that involves placing suction cups on the skin to improve blood flow and promote healing. This therapy helps reduce muscle tension, alleviate pain, and detoxify the body. Our skilled practitioners ensure a comfortable and beneficial experience. Discover the benefits of cupping therapy and enhance your well-being with HB BodyLab.

Moxibustion: At HB BodyLab in Huntington Beach, CA, we provide moxibustion, a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials (moxa) are burned near the surface of the skin. This technique stimulates circulation and improves the flow of energy, effectively treating various conditions such as chronic pain and digestive issues. Experience the therapeutic warmth of moxibustion and support your body’s natural healing processes with HB BodyLab.

Experience the holistic healing benefits of acupuncture at HB BodyLab and take a step towards a healthier, more balanced life.

Chronic Pain

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is persistent pain that lasts for weeks, months, or even years. Unlike acute pain, which is a direct response to an injury or illness, chronic pain can continue long after the initial cause has healed. This condition can stem from various sources, including arthritis, nerve damage, past injuries, and underlying health issues, significantly affecting your quality of life.

Symptoms of Chronic Pain

The symptoms of chronic pain can vary widely but commonly include:

  • Continuous or intermittent pain
  • Aching, burning, or shooting sensations
  • Stiffness and discomfort
  • Fatigue and sleep disturbances
  • Reduced mobility and flexibility
  • Anxiety and depression

These symptoms can interfere with daily activities and overall well-being, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Chronic Pain with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing chronic pain through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to stimulate the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to improve blood circulation, alleviate muscle tension, and support overall pain relief.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation, enhance relaxation, and reduce pain.
  • Physical Therapy: Providing exercises and stretches designed to improve strength, flexibility, and mobility.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Offering guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support overall health and reduce pain triggers.

Our goal is to help you manage chronic pain effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Chronic Pain

The duration of treatment for chronic pain depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing relief and better health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of chronic pain and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and improved well-being.

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Migraines + Headaches

What are Migraines and Headaches?

Migraines and headaches are common neurological conditions that can cause significant discomfort and disrupt daily life. Migraines are typically more severe and often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances. Tension headaches, cluster headaches, and sinus headaches are other common types that can vary in intensity and duration.

Symptoms of Migraines and Headaches

The symptoms of migraines and headaches can vary depending on the type but commonly include:

  • Throbbing or pulsing pain, often on one side of the head
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, or smells
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Visual disturbances (aura), such as flashes of light or blind spots
  • Neck stiffness or pain
  • Fatigue and irritability

These symptoms can significantly impact daily activities and overall well-being, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Migraines and Headaches with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing migraines and headaches through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to balance the body’s energy, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow and relieve muscle tension, which can contribute to headache relief.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation and support overall relaxation and pain relief.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to reduce triggers and support overall health.

Our goal is to help you manage migraines and headaches effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Migraines and Headaches

The duration of treatment for migraines and headaches depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing relief and better health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of migraines and headaches and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and improved well-being.

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Stress + Anxiety

What are Stress and Anxiety?

Stress and anxiety are common conditions that affect mental and physical health. Stress is the body’s response to external pressures, while anxiety is a feeling of fear or apprehension about future events. Both conditions can significantly impact your quality of life, leading to various health issues if not managed effectively.

Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety

The symptoms of stress and anxiety can vary but commonly include:

  • Persistent worry or fear
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Muscle tension and headaches
  • Fatigue and sleep disturbances
  • Rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath
  • Difficulty concentrating

These symptoms can interfere with daily activities and overall well-being, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Stress and Anxiety with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing stress and anxiety through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and promoting relaxation. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to balance the body’s energy, reduce stress hormones, and promote a sense of calm.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and support relaxation.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation and create a calming effect on the body.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support mental health and reduce stress levels.

Our goal is to help you manage stress and anxiety effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Stress and Anxiety

The duration of treatment for stress and anxiety depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing mental health and resilience.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of stress and anxiety and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and improved well-being.

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Digestive Disorders

What are Digestive Disorders?

Digestive disorders include a variety of conditions affecting the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and constipation. These conditions can cause significant discomfort and impact your overall health and quality of life.

Symptoms of Digestive Disorders

The symptoms of digestive disorders vary depending on the specific condition but commonly include:

  • Abdominal pain and cramping
  • Bloating and gas
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Heartburn or acid reflux
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Fatigue

These symptoms can disrupt daily activities and overall well-being, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Digestive Disorders with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing digestive disorders through acupuncture, focusing on alleviating symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to balance the digestive system, reduce inflammation, and improve gut motility.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow and support digestive health.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate the digestive organs and promote overall well-being.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support digestive health and alleviate symptoms.

Our goal is to help you manage digestive disorders effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Digestive Disorders

The duration of treatment for digestive disorders depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing relief and better digestive health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of digestive disorders and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and improved well-being.

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Menstrual and Reproductive Health Issues

What are Menstrual and Reproductive Health Issues?

Menstrual and reproductive health issues encompass a variety of conditions affecting the menstrual cycle, hormonal balance, and reproductive organs. These issues can include irregular periods, menstrual cramps, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, infertility, and menopausal symptoms. These conditions can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life, emotional well-being, and overall health.

Symptoms of Menstrual and Reproductive Health Issues

The symptoms of menstrual and reproductive health issues can vary widely but commonly include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding
  • Pelvic pain
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Infertility
  • Symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings

These symptoms can disrupt daily life and affect overall well-being, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Menstrual and Reproductive Health Issues with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing menstrual and reproductive health issues through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to balance hormones, reduce pain, and improve menstrual regularity and reproductive health.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow and reduce muscle tension in the pelvic area.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation and support hormonal balance.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support hormonal health and improve menstrual and reproductive function.

Our goal is to help you manage menstrual and reproductive health issues effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Menstrual and Reproductive Health Issues

The duration of treatment for menstrual and reproductive health issues depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing relief and better health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of menstrual and reproductive health issues and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and improved well-being.

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What are Allergies?

Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance (allergen) such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. This reaction can cause a range of symptoms that can impact daily life and overall well-being. Allergies can be seasonal or perennial and vary in severity from mild irritation to severe reactions.

Symptoms of Allergies

The symptoms of allergies can vary depending on the type of allergen but commonly include:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing
  • Coughing

These symptoms can significantly impact your quality of life, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Allergies with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing allergies through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and alleviate allergy symptoms.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to improve blood flow and support overall immune health.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate the body’s natural defenses and promote overall well-being.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to reduce exposure to allergens and enhance immune function.

Our goal is to help you manage allergy symptoms effectively and improve your overall health through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Allergies

The duration of treatment for allergies depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing relief and better health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of allergies and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and improved well-being.

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What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get restful sleep. This condition can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, significantly impacting daily activities and overall quality of life. Insomnia can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) and can result from various factors, including stress, anxiety, poor sleep habits, and medical conditions.

Symptoms of Insomnia

The symptoms of insomnia can vary but commonly include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up frequently during the night
  • Trouble getting back to sleep
  • Waking up too early
  • Daytime tiredness or sleepiness
  • Irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • Difficulty focusing and remembering

These symptoms can interfere with personal and professional life, making effective treatment essential.

Treatments for Insomnia with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to treating insomnia through acupuncture, focusing on addressing both symptoms and underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to balance energy, reduce stress, and promote relaxation, helping to improve sleep quality.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow and reduce muscle tension, supporting overall relaxation.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation and create a calming effect on the body.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on diet, sleep hygiene, and lifestyle adjustments to support better sleep patterns and overall health.

Our goal is to help you manage insomnia symptoms effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Insomnia

The duration of treatment for insomnia varies depending on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new techniques and lifestyle adjustments that support ongoing recovery and improved sleep quality.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome insomnia and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards restful sleep and better health.

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Sports Injuries

What are Sports Injuries?

Sports injuries occur during athletic activities or exercise and can affect various parts of the body. They range from acute injuries like sprains, strains, and fractures to chronic conditions such as tendinitis and stress fractures. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a recreational enthusiast, sports injuries can significantly impact your performance and daily life.

Symptoms of Sports Injuries

The symptoms of sports injuries can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the injury but commonly include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the affected area
  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Bruising
  • Restricted movement or stiffness
  • Weakness or instability
  • Tenderness to touch

Prompt and effective treatment is essential to prevent further damage and promote healing.

Treatments for Sports Injuries with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we provide comprehensive care for a wide range of sports injuries through acupuncture, focusing on rapid recovery and prevention of future injuries. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to reduce pain, decrease inflammation, and promote tissue repair.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and accelerate healing.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation and support the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Physical Therapy: Customized exercises and stretches to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and restore function.
  • Massage Therapy: Relieving muscle tension, enhancing circulation, and promoting relaxation.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on diet and lifestyle changes to support overall recovery and athletic performance.

Our goal is to help you return to your sport as quickly and safely as possible while minimizing the risk of re-injury.

Duration of Treatment for Sports Injuries

The duration of treatment for sports injuries varies based on the severity of the injury and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new exercises and techniques that support ongoing recovery and peak performance.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you recover from sports injuries and achieve your athletic goals. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and take the first step towards a pain-free, active lifestyle.

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Car Accident Injuries

What are Car Accident Injuries?

Car accident injuries can range from minor bruises to severe trauma affecting the spine, neck, and other parts of the body. The impact of a car accident can lead to conditions such as whiplash, back pain, spinal misalignments, and soft tissue injuries.

Symptoms of Car Accident Injuries

The symptoms of car accident injuries can vary widely but often include:

  • Neck pain and stiffness (whiplash)
  • Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain and spasms
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Numbness or tingling in extremities

These symptoms can develop immediately after the accident or may appear days or even weeks later, significantly impacting daily activities and overall quality of life.

Treatments for Car Accident Injuries with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to treating car accident injuries through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and promoting recovery. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension, and to promote healing.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to improve blood circulation and facilitate muscle recovery.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to enhance circulation and alleviate discomfort.
  • Physical Therapy: Providing exercises and stretches designed to restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
  • Massage Therapy: Reducing muscle tension and improving blood flow to the affected areas.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Offering guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support overall recovery and well-being.

Our goal is to help you recover from car accident injuries effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

The duration of treatment for car accident injuries depends on the severity of the injuries and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new exercises and techniques that support ongoing recovery and overall health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you recover from car accident injuries and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and better health.

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What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, leading to pain, stiffness, swelling, and reduced mobility. It can affect various joints in the body and is typically classified into different types, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of Arthritis

The symptoms of arthritis can vary depending on the type and severity but commonly include:

  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Swelling and tenderness in the affected areas
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Warmth and redness around the joints
  • Fatigue and general discomfort

These symptoms can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life.

Treatments for Arthritis with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to treating arthritis through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and addressing the underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and improve joint function.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow and promote healing in the affected joints.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate circulation and reduce discomfort.
  • Physical Therapy: Incorporating exercises and stretches designed to improve joint strength, flexibility, and overall mobility.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support joint health and reduce inflammation.

Our goal is to help you manage arthritis symptoms effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Arthritis

The duration of treatment for arthritis depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new exercises and techniques that support ongoing recovery and joint health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of arthritis and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and better health.

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What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a condition caused by damage to the peripheral nerves, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness, typically in the hands and feet. This condition can arise from various factors, including diabetes, infections, traumatic injuries, and exposure to toxins.

Symptoms of Neuropathy

The symptoms of neuropathy can vary depending on the type and extent of nerve damage but commonly include:

  • Sharp or burning pain
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Loss of coordination and balance
  • Difficulty with motor skills

These symptoms can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life.

Treatments for Neuropathy with Acupuncture

At HB BodyLab, we offer a comprehensive approach to treating neuropathy through acupuncture, focusing on relieving symptoms and addressing the underlying causes. Our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles at specific points to stimulate nerve repair and improve blood flow, reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Cupping Therapy: Using suction cups to enhance circulation and promote healing in affected areas.
  • Moxibustion: Applying heat therapy to stimulate nerve function and reduce discomfort.
  • Physical Therapy: Incorporating exercises and stretches designed to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice: Providing guidance on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support nerve health and prevent further damage.

Our goal is to help you manage neuropathy symptoms effectively and improve your overall well-being through a holistic approach.

Duration of Treatment for Neuropathy

The duration of treatment for neuropathy depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to therapy. Most patients require several weeks of consistent treatment, with follow-up sessions to maintain and enhance progress. As your condition improves, your treatment plan will be adjusted to include new exercises and techniques that support ongoing recovery and nerve health.

At HB BodyLab, we are dedicated to providing effective, personalized care to help you overcome the challenges of neuropathy and enhance your quality of life. Visit us in Huntington Beach, CA, and start your journey towards lasting relief and better health.

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Why Choose Us

Reason For Choosing Us


We take a comprehensive, integrated approach to wellness, combining a myriad of disciplines to address your unique needs and achieve optimal health.

1 on 1 Care

At HB BodyLab, you'll spend your entire session with the doctor, ensuring personalized attention and care without being handed off to an aide or assistant.

Transparent Billing

At HB BodyLab, we prioritize transparent billing, providing you with upfront treatment costs before starting, so you can confidently navigate your healthcare journey.